I was reminded today by one of the high school seniors that China has just passed the United States in technology and gross national product. China is now, according to my sources, the leading Super Power in the world. So, I’m remembering predictions laid out by a doom speaker of the last group of doom sayers, Ed Dames. Mr. Dames claimed that China would eventually be in the position of making us capitalistic types very uncomfortable about our global position. Ok, I’m uncomfortable.
There are many Sci Fi books and movies that subtly suggest that the oriental world gains a majority of the global power. Just watch, “Blade Runner,” or “Serenity,” that started as the TV series, “Fire Fly.” Both of these are infiltrated with Chinese language and customs. Yet another prediction from, Hollywood? Maybe.
So folks, keep your eyes and ears open, watch the stock market and listen to the political rhetoric coming from Asia and Washington. You might here some interesting things.
Peace and Balance,
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