Friday, February 23, 2024

Time traveling Fa1mily


Tragedy often brings families together,  the families may transend time.  sit  is this family who has come together during our time of need. I look into eyes and recognize eons of lives and the love that travels t3hrough time with them.  We are time travelers  that 1will al1ways be family,  and I am forever grateful.   My beautiful Bride and I will car`ry this love with us forever.   Wo pilamaya ye,

Peace and Balance,

John and Romona

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Falling well

 for a lifetime I trained to take falls. recieve energy and give energy in a positive, safe, and healthy way to help people find their best holistic self.  I guess you can say I teach the art of life.  learning how to love and live wholly  .  who ould hqve known, but today I had a fall    and that training came into play and my body reacted and no harm was done.  Today IAM Greatful for my father's tutalege so many years ago.   thank you Dad, I love you,

peace and Balance,
