Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Spring Snow


Today is May, 17th.  Upon leaving for work this morning at about 6:45 AM. it was snowing and about 31 degrees.  Not that I'm complaining or anything, but Gee Wiz!  The average daily temp. for this time of year in the Grand Nord Dubois, Great Northern Woods, ranges from about 53 degrees in the evening to about 72 degrees in the day time.  Snow and 31 degrees isn't generally in the picture for this late in the Springtime.  

The people from this part of the country call this area the Northern woods because they feel secluded and are set apart from the rest of the state.  Realistically New Hampshire isn't that far north.  If you draw a line around a globe our area in the Great Northern Woods lines up nicely with the middle of Wyoming.  So, from my point of view, This ain't that far north.  As a matter O'fact I grew up about 600 miles farther north than these cats and the weather is just par for the course.  Ok, got that off my chest.  

Any ways it was snowing when I left for work this morning.  It was coming down pretty darn hard for a bit.  Then stopped.  The snow lasted about 30 minutes or so, but the temperatures aren't supposed to climb out of the 40's today.  Since I have lived in New Hampshire for the better part of 40 years now, I have climatized so, brrrrr.  Where is the average yearly temp. hiding at, and the wind is starting to blow, Dang!?

The 17th of May and it snowed.  I've seen snow in June so that isn't to awfully unusual.  Just gives us all something to belly ache about.  That's normal human behavior, complaining about things we don't have any control over hoping the gods may be listening.  Quite frankly the gods don't care. 

I believe that there is a conspiracy between the weather gods and the weather people.  The weather people report, tell lies, write reports, and report again, and the cycle continues.  The weather gods wait.  They wait until we small beings get to comfortable and anticipate what the sky may produce, then throw a wrench into the works and change up at the last minute laughing sardonically all the while.  And what do we menial creatures do in the mean time, suffer.  Suffer and complain about those things we have no control over.  

So, it snowed early this morning and the temp. was about 31 degrees Fahrenheit.   Doesn't look to get much better today.  Oh well, time for Coffee.

Peace and Balance,


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