Tuesday, May 2, 2023

The Miracle Of Good Credit.


Today I witnessed a financial wonder that I've only seen a couple times in the past.  After trying to turn a car into a submarine our young son, Lee and I traveled down to the southern reaches of our fine state to visit a Subaru dealership.  The trip was grand and ripe with stories about other people, he has learned from the best, and traded opinions about music and bands.  

As we wandered in the southerly direction he was occasionally on his Iphone checking on a car.  He would talk to people, nod hopefully and hang up.  He would text and grin.  He would make comments about a set of wheels or two.  I was driving so my normal reply was, "Ah Huh, and hmmm."  

Then he said, "That's it, That's the one." and showed me a picture of a Subaru Crosstrek loaded to the hilt only a year old and less than 30K miles.  It was a nice looking ride.

We arrived at the dealership, and they had the car waiting for him.  He did a once over on the car, we crawled in and took a ride.  It is a Nice car.  Upon returning back to the car place and sitting down with the sales guy, Lee started talking and the magic began.  

I sat quietly and watched the young Padawan become the master.  His negotiation skills are  unrivaled.  Neither the salesman or his boss could stand up to the logic of his words. It was a glory to behold.  At the end of the day I came home, and Lee drove off the lot with his New Wheels.  No down payment and a percentage rate that is livable.  His payment is one that he can afford because he has a real job.  I was proud.

Upon further investigation I found out Lee's credit rating is in the mid to high 700's.  That is impressive for a youngish fellow.  I say youngish because I am oldish and he'll always be youngish.   A set of impressive negotiation skills, a job that can handle payments, and an excellent credit rating are all products of the miracle of modern finance.  The magic was in the right place at the right time.  

Peace and Balance,



  1. I best not flood my car as my credit won't allow me to replace a bicycle.
