Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Vision Quest.

 Four days and four nights one sits alone on the summit of a chosen mountain waiting for a vision to come.  An animal to approach who is not an animal, but a harbinger of a message for only the one who waits.  A message that can change forever the course of the one who waits life, and death.

The waiting itself is not painless not peril-less, but a potential journey of danger and agony.  A spiritual trek that is designed to introduce the questor to their own potential and inevitable deaths.  The path teaches the seeker the truth about his/her end, which is the beginning.  This is the death and rebirth of the Shaman. 

It seems that walking to the top of a chosen mountain with nothing but a question and hope with the knowledge that survival may not be the highest reward, sounds a little insane.  But without this lack of sanity for this quest there can be no gift of power, only dark death.

At times one carries the quest, the vision, and the gift with themselves from one lifetime to the next and the next and so forth throughout the passage of time.  These people are the Bodhisattvas, the teachers of teachers.  Those who build the foundations of truth.

One who chooses the quest must prepare.  Become emotionally and spiritually ready for the journey.  Beyond this door awaits madness.  If ready then the answers will be given and the lessons learned, if not death and a lifetime of mental illness is equally willing to gain control.  The vision matters not for the stability of the seeker, only that it has been given.  

Four days and four nights one sits alone on the summit of a chosen mountain waiting for a vision to come.  Who will approach, the Bear, the Eagle, the Buffalo, or the Wolf, which direction will be followed?  Will any approach, the vision waits for all who seek.  Pass on the truth, teach your children well, and look ahead to glad tidings, Fear nothing.

Peace and Balance,


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