Wednesday, August 23, 2023

TuMo Meditation


Sit straight, either cross legged, lotus position, or feet flat on the floor and relax.  Breath deeply in the nose, hold, breath out the mouth completely, hold, breath in again and repeat.  Do this for 9 to 10 times then relax.

Concentrate first on an area approximately 2 to 3 below your navel and breath in deeply allowing the breath to fill your entire abdomen like a balloon.  Hold and visualize the area below your navel, the dantien. Breath out slowly controlling your breath until you are empty, hold.   Repeat 9 to 10 times then relax.  

Concentrate on the top of your head and Breath deeply in the nose filling your balloon as above and hold.  Breath out visualizing the breath leaving the body through the top of the head, crown, until there is no breath left, hold. Breath in again and relax.  

Visualize a flame, I use the vision of a candle in a mason jar, comfortably burning at your dantien.  Breath in deeply through the nose and fill your balloon, hold.  Breath out slowly visualizing the flame flowing up through your body and out your crown until all air is out, hold. Breath in and relax.  Do this 9 to 10 times, then relax.

Finish by visualizing the flame flowing up through the body and out the crown with each rhythmic breath in a normal pattern.  Relax and focus on the third eye in the center of the forehead, hold in that focus for as long as you see fit, Relax...  Fine'.  

The above is a beginning, and an advanced TuMo Meditation and Breathing exercise.  It was developed by Tibetan monks almost a thousand years ago as a way to teach the student how to regulate the breathing process of the body, the body temperature,  and connect the physical body with the breath moving in and out of it.  The word TuMo, Tummo, or Tumo, pronounced DuMoe, translates to "The Fire Within"  It is also the name of the Hindu goddess of the inner fire.  

Peace and Balance, 


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