Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Back In The Game.

 We are back to school.  Time to wrap our heads around the game and get ready to serve the kids.  I do have concerns about the connectivity of the internet.  I spent a goodly portion of the day trying to connect to some of the trainings we are supposed to do with no success, so tomorrow I try again.  

I have a new job this year.  I've been working in our school system long enough now that things have become cyclical.  I am back in the same kind of position that I started with.  22 years ago I was hired to follow a young fellow that needed lots of help in many areas in a specialized program.  Today I found out that I will be doing a very similar job in a similar program.  I find that very interesting.  Maybe the universe is trying to tell me I need to learn something new about what I do.  Could be...

So, tomorrow I will try to reconnect to the internet with the Google devise, and possibly meet my new student.  Everything is new this year, fascinating.  The Zen monk in me is quietly smiling.  When I started working at this game I was much younger than I am now, this old dog is waiting to learn new tricks...

School Time!

Peace and Balance,



  1. Replies
    1. Remember that large line of pearls in the sky? Yep, I think they took the summer with them. 80)
