Monday, November 6, 2023

You Are What You Eat

 Eating bad things will make you feel like a bad thing.  An over indulgence in your favorite food if it's not good for you in the long run will probably have some repercussions.   These will come in different guises such as flu like symptoms, headaches, general body aches and pains, and yes you may even suffer from an old fashioned hangover from doing something silly like eating a whole package of Ball Park franks all by yourself.  There is something about an over dose of nitrates and sodium that will send your body into the payback mode.  The next day you will understand the error of your ways.  

The proper diet of a healthy human being is rich in amino acids, vitamins, and minerals historically from the area or region a group of people come from.  Traditionally the people of the Northeast had a diet rich in grains, tubers, leafy green things, fish, wild game, and fresh water.  Over generations of change and the development of farming techniques evolved to encompass the diet that would evolve to sustain the people and their progeny.   This enhances physical development and generates evolution in human beings.  All starting from what we eat and how we eat it.  

Thus is the old adage, "You are what you eat."  If that true, then I'm may be lost in the existence of  an Oscar Myer Weiner.  Thus is the life of the Hot Dog.  If you want to change yourself physically the first place to start is the food you stuff into your face.  That change can change the universe.

A well balanced diet, with a moderate amount of exercise combined with the ability to laugh at ones self and not take life to seriously  potentially has the power to redraw your existence.  Now it's up to you to take that step towards good, happy food.  Let's see what happens.

Peace and Balance,


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