Wednesday, November 8, 2023

What's in Charge?

 What happens when we create an AI that learns, becomes self aware, reproduces itself into newer versions then decides it doesn't like us anymore?  To tell you the truth I'm not convinced that hasn't happened already.  

Think about it for a moment and convince me that you haven't experienced the awkward moment when a computer program, or something non human hasn't made a decision for you that subverted what you would consider you're own power of choice or volition.

An example might be the newest version of the iPhone.  You use your phone for awhile and without consciously making the decision you hold it up for inspection and it turns on because the software has recognized your face.  Did you initialize that or did it just happen one day.  Or when it suddenly recognizes your voice and knows when you are using similar software from another source.  I know this may sound very paranoid, however they are both example of what the newest iPhone is capable of doing right now.   Which leads to the question who is using whom, or what.  Are you in charge of your phone or is your phone in charge of you?  

An out going president hands over the nuclear football to the incoming candidate.  In today's world if there is an unprovoked attack from one country on another as far as nuclear weapons are concerned the AI will make a God decision and counter attack to promote the mutual destruction scenario.  This is all set on computers and out of our control.  It can not be shut off, the powers that be assured it would function independently.  Doesn't that give you a warm fuzzy feeling all over?  

So, imagine the whole system being reprogramed by our pet AI that suddenly decides it doesn't like humanity much anymore.  Can we say extinction kids?  

What ever happened to the time when shooting a good game of pool was the most complicated thing we knew how to do?  Let's all repeat, "SkyNet."  

"I'll Be Back."

Peace and Balance,



  1. A roomba beat me to a dropped m&m. The war against the machines is on.

    1. Hulk say, "Smash Tiny machine." After all an m&m was at stake.
