Friday, September 1, 2023

I See It Too.


When you look into the sky and see something with your own eyes that doesn't make sense, when your mind can't make heads nor tails of what your eyes are seeing, then what you're seeing is unidentified, and flying, an Unidentified Flying Object.  

You can see these things with your eyes, but you still try to deny what you see.  You're not willing to accept what your own eyes are telling you.  You deny the existence of something that you can actually see.  This causes a disconnect and separates your mind and your body.  You become confused and border the realms of insanity.

There's a split, you see a thing, but refuse to accept that it is real.  Any good analyst would take that apart and charge you an ungodly amount of money to tell you that you're denying your own reality. Thus is the plight of the seer of things that the majority tells you doesn't exist.  Acceptance in these things is a big step in healing your understanding.  Let go, and believe...

So, when you look up into the sky and see those things that make you weep with wonder, accept them and welcome, you've just joined a larger universe.

Peace and Balance,


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