Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Chapter 17: Hot Lemonade

 The Boy and his Friend were in trouble from both Mom's.  Apparently the two had been gone longer than normal for them, that the whole day and night had gone by without their presences, they had been missing.  Neither The Boy or his Friend were even aware that they had been gone so long.  They denied all questioning. 

Early the past morning The Boy and his Friend had been working in the Hay field stacking and organizing bales into a couple different hay stacks, one slightly smaller than the other.  After working in the field the two decided to go shooting and grabbed a couple BB guns, a bunch of BB's and a few targets to shoot up.  The targets consisted of Styrofoam cups, a couple cans, and a paper poster of William Shatner as Captain Kirk.  

The Boy and his Friend took the targets, BB guns, and ammo out into the back forty of the property and set up the shooting range.  Small bets were made.  Things like comic books, candy, who pays for the next movie, the kind of stuff kids gamble with.  The BB gun warriors spent the rest of the afternoon shooting up the imaginary foe, Captain Kirk died in shreds of old poster paper. The Battle was glorious.  The Boy and His Friend had become the invading Klingon warriors. 

After shooting up all the BB's and destroying the targets, The Two picked up the paper mess and stuffed it into a garbage bag brought with them and walked back to the trailers.   After placing the paper and Styrofoam into a burn barrel next to The Old Man's garage, The Two went into the Bel Aire to get something to drink.  

While in The Bel Aire The Boy found a pitcher and some powdered lemonade.  He and His Friend made some real cold lemonade, mixed it up good and each had a glass.  The pitcher was left on the counter.  It was cold.  The water on the property was naturally very cold as it came from a deep water well.  The Boy's Friend was looking out the window over the kitchen sink when He suddenly became very scared.  He pointed out the window and managed to say, "Look, what the hell is that?"

The Boy looked out the window and in the Western sky he saw what looked like a black spot in the middle of the sky.  It was shaped like a football and appeared to be getting bigger and closer by the second.  Then it was gone, then it was there, then it was gone.  

The Two were looking out the window at the disappearing reappearing black spot in the sky when it suddenly appeared again right over the horse stall and was so big that it covered the entire sky.  There was a low hum, then a buzz, and a pressure in the ears and head, and...

The Two woke up in the middle of the kitchen floor, "What the Hell was that?" The Friend asked.

The Boy said, "I don't know."  Then he grabbed the lemonade to have another drink.  The pitcher was warm, very warm, and the drink was hot.  It tasted like hot lemonade, and it looked like the sun was just coming up in the morning horizon.  "What time is it?" The Boy asked.

"Looks like 7:00" His Friend answered.  They were both confused, bewildered, and wondered what happened to the day.  

The Mom's wouldn't accept the story.  The Boys were obviously making it up.  Even though The Boy and His Friend denied going anywhere other than shooting in the back forty and making lemonade.  They had no idea what happened or where they were...

Peace and Balance,


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